[ Research ]
Engagement of the private sector in health for the deployment of COVID-19 vaccines: a case study from Uganda
Research Type
Case Study
Health Emergencies
Programme Area
Supply Chain
This case study was prepared by the Uganda National Health Consumers Organisation (UNHCO) and was commissioned by the Country Connector COVID-19 Working Group. The Country Connector and its working groups aim to decolonise global health by supporting local experts to tell their own stories.
Detailed description
Over time, there have been adequate vaccines in Uganda, but deployment challenges and vaccine hesitancy have affected rates of vaccination. The study included a desk review and key informant interviews and aimed to:
- Distil the challenges, opportunities, and best practices that arise from the collaboration between the public and the private sector on vaccine deployment in relation to the governance behaviours
- Share country experiences on the collaboration between the public and private sectors for vaccine deployment
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