[ Research ]
Advancing country’s capacity to govern the private sector in health
Research Type
Health Policy
Programme Area
A brief about WHO's progression model for the governance of mixed health systems
Detailed description

WHO has developed a progress model for better governance of the private sector in health. The progress model will act as a decision support and capacity building tool for alignment of behaviours, capacities, and instruments to govern the public and private sectors as one. The model will be a medium- to long-term tool for countries to develop their capacities to work productively with the private sector and maximize their efforts to achieve UHC.


The design of the progress model is informed by a review of existing assessment tools used in the health sector, and tools focused on governance from other sectors. Its content has been drawn from a systematic review alongside expert consultation. The progress model has been informed by pre-testing which is still in progress and will be further refined based on future pilots and key informant interviews


The progress model is structured according to six governance behaviours namely:
• Deliver strategy;
• Align structures;
• Build understanding;
• Enable stakeholders;
• Nurture trust; and
• Foster relations.

In turn, these six aspects of governance connect to a set of related governance mechanisms for influencing the operation and performance of the private health sector. For each mechanism, the progress model sets out a series of four progress levels relating to the extent of governance effectiveness (namely: emerging, progressing, established, and advanced).

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